Begg, Paul, Martin Fido & Keith Skinner,
Headline, dist. by Trafalgar Square. Sept. 1992. 523p. photogs. index.
ISBN0-7472-3676-3. pap. $15.95. CRIME
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 1996 10:20:27 -0400
From: Michael Rogers
Begg, author of "Jack the Ripper: The Uncensored Facts," Fido, author of "The Crime, Detection, and Death of Jack the Ripper" and the "Murder Guide to London," and Skinner, author of "The Ripper Legacy" are the unholy trio of modern "Ripperologists." In this encyclopedia-style volume, they cover in detail every person, place, or thing that is in any way connected to the case. The book also contains 32 pages of photographs (some new) and illustrations of suspects, victims, and police data and is capped off with five indexes. Although much of the information is available in the numerous titles on the subject, including their own, the authors do present new material on a suspect that has only recently come to light. Though ghoulish, this is probably one of the best reference books of the year, and is certainly a volume that no armchair Ripperologist can do without. Highly recommended for all true crime collections.
Michael Rogers, "Library Journal"
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